SEO for CBD Websites: A definitive guide

  • May 26, 2021
  • SEO
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SEO for CBD websites made easier – Stand out from the competition

Stop thinking and start turning your dream into reality. Are you thinking of starting a new business? SEO for CBD websites is the perfect niche for you. CBD has a promising future and it is not too late to start your CBD business. You will be amazed to know that the global Cannabidiol (CBD) Market is predicted to rise at an optimal rate between 2021 to 2026.

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seo for cbd website

What is CBD?

CBD stands for Cannabidiol. It is the second most active ingredient in Cannabis (Marijuana) after THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). It is also naturally extracted from the hemp plant and used in various products like – pet food, skincare, oils, edibles, drinks, pharmaceuticals, etc.

cbd seo

To make your dream business stand out, we are here. The first thing you need is SEO for CBD websites and a good marketing strategy, to rank authoritative websites higher. So, let us dive into it –


Checklist for Search Engine Optimization for CBD Websites.

  1. Begin with keyword research to understand your audience’s needs and how they search for your products or services.
  2. Set up your Google Business Profile to enhance your online presence across Google, including Search and Maps.
  3. Conduct technical SEO audit for your website. To get all the SEO issues for your website.
  4. Configure Google Search Console and Google Analytics to monitor your website’s performance and gain valuable insights into your traffic.
  5. Optimize your site’s indexing to ensure search engines can easily discover and crawl your website, improving your visibility online.


#1 Find your niche and set your brand:

cbd seo niche

Many such reputed companies are already ranking in the keyword “CBD”. They are spending huge bucks to establish their presence in local search results. So better not put your nose in the pollution. Search engines such as Google and Bing typically do not rank new CBD websites highly on their platforms initially

Make your website unique:

Think on a specific niche for whom you want your website to be set for – “CBD for seniors”, “CBD for moms”, “CBD for athletes,” “CBD for pets,” etc. These target keywords are relatively less competitive and will require less effort to rank. Do not choose high competition target keywords, like “hemp SEO”, “CBD oil SEO”. Once you establish your niche, your next target is to select wise right keywords, and produce quality content.

#2 Find relevant keywords to rank in search results:

If you want to drag the audience right into your blog, you will require a proper SEO for CBD websites. Long-tail keywords can act as a magic stick for you! Long-tail keywords consist of three or more words. These are best for your own website traffic. Why?

For instance, you are having a CBD skincare company. When people search terms like “CBD tropical cream”, “CBD oil for dermatitis”, “CBD soothing serum”, “CBD calming eye-balm”, “CBD deep moisture glow,” you know they are looking for specific results. The search intent is clear. Thus long-tail keywords drive more organic traffic, and more qualified organic traffic that leads to your website.


SEO for CBD Websites

  1. Understanding CBD Consumer Behavior: Start with an analysis of your target audience’s search behavior and pain points. This involves identifying the terms and phrases potential customers use when searching for CBD products, their concerns, and their needs.
  2. Leveraging Industry-Specific Tools: Highlight the importance of using keyword research tools that are particularly effective for the CBD niche. Mention tools that offer insights into trends, search volumes, and competition levels within the CBD market.
  3. Analyzing Competitors: Advise on how to conduct a thorough competitor analysis to uncover the keywords they rank for. This can provide valuable insights into effective keywords and gaps in their strategy that your website can capitalize on.
  4. Utilizing Long-Tail Keywords: Emphasize the significance of long-tail keywords in the CBD industry. These keywords are more specific and often less competitive, making them a crucial component for a CBD website looking to target niche segments.
  5. Considering Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Discuss how to identify and select keywords that comply with legal and regulatory standards in the CBD industry. Advise caution against terms that might imply medical benefits or claims that are not FDA approved.
  6. Integrating Local SEO Strategies: For CBD retailers with physical stores or specific service areas, highlight the importance of local SEO keywords. Explain how to incorporate location-based terms to attract local traffic.
  7. Monitoring Trends and Seasonal Variations: Suggest keeping an eye on trending topics and seasonal changes in the CBD market. This can help in updating the keyword strategy to remain relevant and competitive.
  8. Utilizing Question-Based Keywords: Point out the effectiveness of question-based keywords, as consumers often search for information about CBD benefits, usage, and legality in a question format.
  9. Evaluating Keyword Difficulty: Guide on assessing the difficulty level of keywords. Explain how choosing keywords with a manageable level of competition can increase the chances of ranking higher in search engine results.
  10. Incorporating User Intent: Stress the importance of understanding user intent behind searches. Differentiate between informational, navigational, and transactional search queries to tailor content that meets the user’s needs at various stages of the customer journey.


#3 Are you forgetting meta tags?

When you are doing CBD Search engine optimization. Tags are very crucial, not for the target audience, but for Google. Meta tags, description and Title tags help Google understand your website’s relevance.Optimizing meta tags for a CBD website involves a strategic approach to improve visibility and engagement on search engines. First, ensure your title tags are concise yet descriptive, incorporating primary keywords related to CBD products, such as “CBD Oil,” “Hemp Extracts,” or specific product names, within a 50-60 character limit to avoid truncation. Meta descriptions should provide a compelling overview of the page content, utilizing secondary keywords and a call-to-action, while keeping within 150-160 characters for full display on search results.

Utilize meta keywords thoughtfully, focusing on relevant and researched terms that your target audience is searching for, though be aware of their diminished importance to some search engines. Implementing schema markup can also enhance your website’s visibility by providing search engines with more detailed information about your products, prices, and reviews. Lastly, ensure all meta tags are unique across the website to avoid duplicate content issues, tailoring each to reflect the specific content of every page accurately.

meta tags optimization for cbd website

Points to Optimize Meta Tags for a CBD Website:

  1. Incorporate Primary Keywords in Title Tags: Use specific and relevant keywords for CBD products in your title tags.
  2. Craft Compelling Meta Descriptions: Include a clear overview of the page’s content with a call-to-action, using secondary keywords.
  3. Selective Use of Meta Keywords: Focus on relevant keywords that your audience searches for, but prioritize quality over quantity.
  4. Implement Schema Markup: Enhance visibility with detailed information about your products, using markup.
  5. Ensure Uniqueness Across Meta Tags: Avoid duplication by making each page’s meta tags unique and tailored.
  6. Optimize for Character Limits: Keep title tags within 50-60 characters and meta descriptions within 150-160 characters.
  7. Update Regularly: Regularly review and update your meta tags based on keyword research and performance analysis.
  8. Use Secondary Keywords Wisely: Incorporate them into your meta descriptions to support your primary keywords.
  9. Monitor and Adapt: Keep an eye on SEO trends and algorithm updates to adjust your strategies accordingly.
  10. Focus on User Engagement: Write meta tags that are not just search-engine friendly but also engaging for users to increase click-through rates.

Title Tag

Title Tags play an important role in Cannabis SEO. It is the blue colour title that appears in the search engine results pages and results. The title tag should be creative and compel users to click on your website. The 60-character limit will be an optimal length for your title so that the total is visible, unlike “Best CBD cream for pain, which is derived from topicals in……..”. Also, integrate the keyword in your title for the best in the search engine results pages your web pages get.

improve title tags for the cbd website

  1. Incorporate Brand Name: Include your brand name towards the end of the title tag to build brand recognition and trust.
  2. Highlight Product Benefits: Where relevant, indicate the benefits or unique selling points of your CBD products in the title tag.
  3. Use Action Words: Start with verbs where appropriate to make the title tags more engaging and actionable for users.
  4. Localize if Applicable: For businesses targeting specific geographic areas, include the location in the title tag to attract local searches.
  5. Regularly Review and Update: Periodically revisit your title tags to ensure they remain optimized based on current best practices and keyword trends.

Meta Description

Meta description: In the CBD industry, The summary that comes right below the title tag is the meta description. It briefs the content inside your page. You can do this manually or let Google choose for you. For a good SEO meta descriptions, the result keeps it limited to 155 characters and includes the main/primary keyword.

how to optimize meta description for the cbd seo

  1. Incorporate Trust Signals and Certifications: Given the CBD industry’s sensitive nature and regulatory scrutiny, including trust signals within your meta descriptions can be a game-changer. Mention any certifications, third-party lab testing results, or compliance with local laws to reassure potential customers about the safety and legality of your products. Phrases like “third-party lab tested,” “GMP certified,” or “compliant with FDA guidelines” can boost consumer confidence right from the search results page.
  2. Highlight Unique Value Propositions (UVPs) and Differentiators: In a crowded market, it’s crucial to immediately communicate what sets your CBD products apart. Use the meta description to showcase your UVPs, such as “organic ingredients,” “locally sourced hemp,” or “custom CBD blends.” This approach not only attracts attention but also targets users specifically looking for these qualities, improving the quality of your traffic.
  3. Leverage Emotional and Sensory Language: The CBD industry is not just about selling a product; it’s about promoting a lifestyle and wellness. Use your meta descriptions to evoke feelings or sensations that your product aims to provide, such as “relaxation,” “relief,” “calm,” or “well-being.” This can make your listing more appealing and relatable to users seeking CBD for these exact benefits.

#4 Content is King:

We all know that content plays an essential role for any website. All you need is to produce great content or, more precisely, compelling product descriptions and buying guides. Integrate those CBD SEO keywords while writing content, but make sure not to use them quite often, as this may lead to keyword stuffing and negative SEO.

#5 Optimizing for Internal Links:

These relevant internal links not only improve the user experience by facilitating easy navigation but also play a crucial role in search engine rankings. By strategically placing internal links with the relevant keywords and anchor text, you can signal the importance of specific CBD-related pages to search engines, potentially boosting their visibility.

how to optimize internal links for the cbd seo

  1. trategically Place Internal Links in High-Traffic Pages: Identify the pages on your CBD website that receive the most traffic and use them as anchor points for internal linking. Place internal links to lesser-known but valuable content or product pages to distribute page authority and improve their visibility. This not only helps in evenly spreading the link equity across your website but also encourages users to explore deeper into your site, increasing engagement and the potential for conversions.
  2. Use Descriptive Anchor Texts with Relevant Keywords: Instead of generic phrases like “click here” or “learn more,” use descriptive anchor texts that incorporate relevant keywords for the pages you’re linking to. This approach not only improves SEO but also provides users with a clear idea of what to expect on the linked page, enhancing the overall user experience. For example, if you’re linking to a page about the benefits of CBD oil for anxiety, the anchor text could be “explore the benefits of CBD oil for anxiety relief.” This method makes your internal links more informative and contextually relevant, boosting their value both for search engines and users.
  3. Create a Topic Cluster Model Around Key CBD Themes: Organize your content into clusters that revolve around central themes relevant to your CBD audience, such as “CBD for Wellness,” “CBD Product Guides,” or “Legal and Regulatory Information.” Link these thematic pages together to create a comprehensive knowledge hub. This not only helps search engines understand the relationship between the pages, improving your site’s SEO structure, but also makes it easier for users to find related content, enhancing their learning experience and keeping them engaged on your site longer.

If your website is already existing, revamp all the existing contents and the home page for a better result. What more can you do other than just blogs?

  • Infographics
  • Videos
  • Ebooks
  • Podcasts
  • Guest Posts

Whatever you are doing with cannabis website, make sure it is informative and trustworthy. Oh yes, UNIQUE too. Ensure you have answers to customers’ questions because it establishes trust and strong SEO for CBD websites.

#5 Claim your Google my Business listings:

If you have local listing and are not this critical step, trust me, friend, you miss a lot of valuable traffic. When you are doing SEO for CBD companies, don’t forget to build your local presence. It appears in local search results, when the user’s and your location match.


  • Start by claiming your business on Google.
  • Insert your Name, Address, and Phone number (NAP).
  • After doing that, add other information like – a website link, hours of operation, photos, videos, etc.
  • If you are already on Google my Business, then make sure to have update NAP information.

Lastly, optimize for local SEO. This means your keyword must contain a location. For example, “CBD stores near me,” “Los Angeles CBD stores.” This will help you drive more search volume and organic traffic, for local keywords when people conduct local searches.

BE CAREFUL: Some countries strictly don’t allow CBD business – Texas, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Germany, Canada, Denmark, and more. You must avoid local search if you belong among these places.


 #6 Change your social media strategy:

Some social media channels like – Facebook and Instagram CBD policy do not allow product advertisements by the CBD brands. You can, of course, create company profiles on FB and gram. This is always helpful as when people search on Google or any web browser; the profiles pop up. Thus, indirectly advertising your brand.

So, what should you do to get organic followers?

There is a lot more to do than just advertising your products. Contribute to CBD education and define your position as an expert in the field. This gives you organic followers.

  • Create high-quality posts with captivating captions.
  • Post informational photos with a strategic description
  • Join relevant groups/pages and promote your posts.
  • Make sure to use hashtags. Hashtags work as your keywords.

Linkedin, Twitter, and others allow the promotion content marketing of your products. So, you can have content delivery network drive potential customers from social media as well.

SEO for CBD Websites

Bottom Line for the CBD SEO Strategy

SEO for CBD websites is competitive, but if you are doing it with a proper digital marketing strategy beforehand, and following all the rules, then no one on earth can stop you from making a reasonable sum of money out of the niche. Lastly, if you have gathered enough money for your business, you can hire a CBD marketer to do all the needful.

CBD niche market future is vital. If you are planning to start it from tomorrow, change your mind, DO IT TODAY. Haha! Yes, there are a lot of opportunities for you in this market. Just take your belongings and make a happy journey.


  1. How to create valuable content for CBD Website.

If you have experience in content marketing, you can create content for your website on your own. However, to accelerate growth, consider partnering with a content marketing agency or hiring a freelancer. Engage our services to scale your content marketing efforts efficiently.

2: How to drive local traffic for the CBD business.

  • Optimize your Google My Business listing.
  • Use SEO tools to audit your website local citations.
  • Do Regular technical SEO audit.
  • List all your CBD products in the GMB directory.
  • Check for which search queries your listing is ranking.

3: How to find low search volume keywords.

Many seo tools in the market can help you find low search volume keywords. Begin your keyword research using tools such as Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Moz.

4: Can I Run Google ads or Facebook ads for my business?

No, You cannot run any paid advertising for the cannabis business, You can only do cannabis seo


Hi, Meet Vaibhav an experienced SEO expert with over 8 years of experience in the field. Vaibhav has a passion for all things digital and has dedicated her career to helping businesses improve their online visibility and reach.

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